1. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,
and gathered out of the lands,
From the east and from the west,
From the north and from the south.”
Psalm 107: 1 – 3

I’ve been going through a self-imposed reading exercise with the Bible everyday for the past 2 years. I confess I’m not particularly consistent when it comes to spending time daily studying the Word or coming to God in prayer. And it has been a while since I last went through the entire Bible. So I set myself a goal of reading one or two chapters every day, even if it just takes 2 minutes of my time.

Not so holy, I know, but it’s progress.

I say it is progress because firstly I’ve covered a third of the Bible already (which could be better, admittedly), and secondly, I spend more time trying to understand what I read these days. In other words, the habit is growing on me.

I came across the above verse – “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so” recently. I have read that verse many times in the past. And some have sang songs with that line. But it really sank in my heart when I read it again. I asked myself this question – “say what, exactly?”

Well, the answer to that question is in the verse itself. Giving thanks to God for His goodness, His mercy, and His redemptive work in my life. Indeed, we were once all lost, but now we are found.

So really, this blog is something new I set up to further chart my progress. I want to learn to contribute. I’m going to try to say a thing or two about my reading every day, and hope it blesses someone else who reads it too. This blog is called lutroō, which is the Biblical Greek for the word “ransom/redeemed”. That kinda sums up my thoughts today.

It’s not meant to be complicated, or academically intellectual. It’s only a daily devotional of sorts. Feel free to discuss your thoughts if you want 🙂

God bless

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